Australian Health Protection Committee (AHPC)

This committee (formerly called the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee, or AHPPC) is the key decision-making committee for health emergencies. Australia's Chief Medical Officer chairs the AHPC, which includes all state and territory Chief Health Officers.

Name change

The name of this committee changed on 7 May 2024:

  • old name: Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC)
  • new name: Australian Health Protection Committee (AHPC).

The old name had 'Principal' in it because this aligned with the structure of subcommittee names of the Australian Health Ministers Advisory Committee (AHMAC). AHMAC is now called the Health Chief Executives Forum (HCEF). AHPC is a subcommittee of the HCEF.


The AHPC has an ongoing role to advise the HCEF on health protection matters and national priorities.

The committee works to reduce emerging health threats posed by infectious diseases, environmental issues, and both natural and human-made disasters.

The committee works with states and territories to develop, adopt and align national health protection policies, guidelines and standards.

The AHPC oversees 6 standing committees and one advisory group. See related committees and groups for details.


The AHPC consists of Chief Health Officers from each state and territory. The Australian Government’s Chief Medical Officer chairs the committee.    

You can find contacts for the Chief Health Officers on each state and territory's website.


The AHPC meets regularly in response to emerging health protection priorities. It holds extra meetings if required. It holds face-to-face meetings 3 or 4 times a year, and meets remotely for the remaining meetings.


See our statements page for links to our committee statements.

Related committees and groups

AHPC is a subcommittee of the HCEF.

The following committees report to the AHPC:


Australian Health Protection Committee secretariat

Contact us for more information about the committee.
Date last updated: