
Find resources about the 'One more way you keep them safe' campaign.

We have launched the ‘One more way you keep them safe’ campaign, to encourage parents and carers to keep their children’s routine vaccinations up to date.

Routine childhood vaccinations are free under Australia’s National Immunisation Program to protect children against a range of serious diseases.

Download our printable resources for more information on routine childhood immunisation to share with your community.

Sharing Knowledge About Immunisation (SKAI) parent website contact card

This resource provides details of the Sharing Knowledge About Immunisation (SKAI) website for parents. Healthcare providers can give this to parents to access the website at home. The SKAI website provides parent-friendly information about immunisation and provides answers to common questions.



Childhood Immunisation Campaign – Superkids

This animation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families explains the importance of childhood immunisation to keep our kids and the community safe from serious diseases.

Health professionals on the importance of routine childhood vaccination

When vaccinating your child, you may have questions about the vaccine being given. You can speak to your GP, practice nurse or immunisation provider about anything related to childhood vaccination.

Health professionals on the safety of routine childhood vaccination

We asked a paediatrician, an immunisation nurse practitioner and an immunisation nurse about different aspects of childhood immunisation. When making a decision about vaccinating your child, it’s always good idea to talk to medical professionals first.
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