Health professionals

Information for health professionals about breast screening for First Nations women.

Participation rates among First Nations women remain significantly lower than the national average.

In consultation with First Nations women, we’ve developed culturally sensitive and purposeful resources to create messaging to increase breast screening participation. These include posters, brochures, social media tiles and fact sheets.

Health professionals and providers can help women understand the importance of regular breast screening. 

BreastScreen Australia strives to detect cancer as early as possible. We want to improve the likely outcomes for women with the disease.

Your dedication underpins and drives the program. You can increase women's confidence in breast screening by helping them to understand:

  • the benefits and limitations of screening mammograms
  • the need for regular screening every 2 years
  • breast cancer symptoms
  • treatment options.

Tailored resources are available to help promote participation here. 

For more information about your role in the program visit our program page.

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