
We develop policy to solve problems and manage issues in health, aged care and sport. Our policies guide our initiatives and programs, which deliver activities and services.

Policies we work on

Our policies inform how we address long-standing and emerging health priorities including:

  • funding Australia’s health systems, such as Medicare and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)
  • public health programs, such as cancer screening, immunisation, and preventing chronic disease
  • primary health care services
  • mental health services
  • funding Australia’s hospitals
  • shaping, distributing and managing our health and aged care workforce
  • providing health services for different groups of people, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • promoting best practice health care across a broad range of needs
  • ensuring therapeutic goods and medical devices are safe and effective
  • responding to health emergencies
  • funding health and medical research and other activities
  • working with stakeholders such as health professional and consumer groups to improve the health system
  • funding, regulating and overseeing ageing and aged care activities
  • supporting sport — both elite and community — and physical activity for everyday Australians, from infants to seniors.
Date last updated:

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