Cancer news

Read the latest news on cancer.


Training for upcoming changes to clinical guidelines for cervical screening

Healthcare providers, make sure you’re up to date on upcoming changes to the National Cervical Screening Program clinical guidelines.

Healthcare providers are helping people overcome bowel screening hesitancy

Doctors are helping more people translate intention into action when it comes to doing the free bowel cancer screening test.

General practices: Help us promote our life-saving cancer screening programs

We have sent cancer screening packs to more than 7,000 general practices, and are seeking your help to promote our life-saving cancer screening programs.

Update on Pathology Accreditation Standards

Important information for healthcare providers and pathology laboratories regarding changes to the ‘Requirements for Cervical Screening (First edition 2023)’ from 1 August 2024.

Webinars on cervical screening for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander patients

NACCHO are hosting two CPD accredited webinars for healthcare workers on the cervical screening self-collection option. The webinars will focus on how to support Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander women and people with a cervix in their cervical screening.

Equity in cervical screening webinar

Healthcare providers are invited to attend a webinar on best practice cervical screening for people with disability.

Progress towards the National Lung Cancer Screening Program

Australia’s first new cancer screening program in 20 years, the National Lung Cancer Screening Program (NLCSP) is on track to start in July 2025.

Cervical screening self-collection

Healthcare practices and clinics offering cervical screening are encouraged to set themselves up to support patient screening choice.

A FREE life-saving test will soon be available to people aged 45 to 49

Bowel cancer is Australia’s second biggest cancer killer and around 15,500 Aussies are diagnosed with the disease every year. From 1 July 2024, 1.6 million Australians aged 45 to 49 will be able to join the Australian Government’s National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.

Eliminating Cervical Cancer in Australia

Australia now has a national strategy to help us achieve our goal of eliminating cervical cancer by 2035 – the first country in the world to do so.

Launch of the Australian Cancer Plan

Learn about the new Australian Cancer Plan, which aims to improve prevention, screening, treatment and management of all cancers for all people across Australia.

Launch of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cancer Plan

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cancer Plan aims to deliver positive outcomes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Updated cervical screening education course

Healthcare providers – build knowledge and skills to offer your patients the self-collection option for cervical screening HPV testing.

Moving new video case studies encourage women to breast screen

Breast cancer is the most diagnosed form of cancer in Australian women. To help encourage women to book a free breast screening mammogram BreastScreen Australia has released 4 new inspirational videos.

Early cancer detection and screening for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

It’s easy to forget about cancer screening. But detecting cancer early saves lives. Learn more about cancer screening programs and how to enter the Beautiful Shawl competition.

Changes to HPV vaccine dose schedule for young Australians

From 6 February 2023 the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine schedule will become a single dose schedule. Catch-up under the National Immunisation Program (NIP) will also be extended to all Australians 25 years and under.

Cancer Australia – Yarn for Life

Cancer Australia’s Yarn for Life is the first national cancer awareness campaign developed for and by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Cervical Screening Communications Toolkit

We have developed a ‘Cervical Screening Communications Toolkit’- spread the message and help save lives.

National Bowel Cancer Screening Program – education webinars

We are holding webinars in July and August 2022 to give healthcare providers the skills and knowledge to support patients participating in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.

Self-collection now available for cervical screening – Information for healthcare providers

From 1 July 2022, the National Cervical Screening Program will allow all eligible screeners to collect their own Cervical Screening Test sample.

Self-collection now available for cervical screening

From 1 July 2022, the National Cervical Screening Program will allow all eligible screeners to collect their own Cervical Screening Test sample.

Top 3 questions – Bowel Cancer Screening with Professor Michael Kidd

This Bowel Cancer Awareness month hear from Deputy Chief Medical Officer Professor Michael Kidd on the importance of completing your simple, free bowel cancer screening test.

Processing of self-collection samples

Important information for healthcare providers and pathology laboratories regarding changes to the Cervical Screening Test from 1 July 2022.

Cancer screening packs distributed to general practices across Australia

The Australian Government Department of Health is seeking help from healthcare providers to increase participation in the national cancer screening programs (bowel, breast and cervical).

NRL legends help tackle bowel cancer

The Australian Government, Cancer Council, and the National Rugby League come together to encourage Australians to participate in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.
Date last updated:

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