Delivering services under the Disability Support for Older Australians (DSOA) Program

Find out about what services the DSOA Program does and doesn’t cover. Services must meet the needs of a diverse population and can also be suspended for a time, if needed.

Services delivered under the DSOA Program

Services available under the DSOA Program include:

  • assistance in supported independent living
  • assistance with self-care activities
  • short-term accommodation and assistance, including respite
  • specialist behavioural intervention support
  • counselling
  • community nursing care for continence aid
  • psychosocial recovery coaching
  • therapy assistant
  • assessment recommendation therapy and/or training
  • dietitian consultation and diet plan development
  • exercise physiology
  • audiologist hearing services
  • health supports delivered by various nursing professionals
  • case management.

Read more about:

Services that are not delivered under the DSOA Program 

DSOA funding cannot be used towards the cost of:

  • commonplace expenses (for example, daily living expenses, ingredients, food)
  • garden maintenance, landscaping, domestic cleaning, house maintenance
  • preparing a grant application or related documents
  • payment to family members for client care or support
  • retrospective costs
  • home modification costs
  • major or new construction or capital works
  • purchase of assets, unless you have our prior written consent, and it meets the conditions of the DSOA grant agreement 
  • purchase of land
  • activities that are the responsibility of other Australian Government, state, territory or local government bodies 
  • services that were previously funded by state and territory governments that are not direct care services for older people (state advocacy, or research and evaluation services)
  • specialist disability services aimed at supporting people to gain employment or access early childhood services
  • supported independent living accommodation vacancies 
  • domestic travel and/or accommodation for clients or their support workers while on holidays (DSOA support services received can still be funded)
  • overseas travel or accommodation
  • activities that are not identified as supports and services provided by the DSOA Program.

Suspension of services

Where a client has not used DSOA services for up to 3 months (for example, due to a stay in hospital), you should: 

  • review their support needs 
  • update their Individual Support Package 
  • report any changes in the annual performance report and financial acquittal.

If a client does not use DSOA services for more than 3 months for any reason, tell your Funding Arrangement Manager, who will advise whether any action is required.


DSOA Funding Arrangement Manager contacts

Disability Support for Older Australians (DSOA) grant recipients (DSOA service coordinators) can contact their state or territory Funding Arrangement Manager (FAM) to discuss contract variations.
Australian Capital Territory/New South Wales
Northern Territory
South Australia
Western Australia
Date last updated:

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