Resources for aged care assessors

A list of resources – including guides, fact sheets and other publications – for aged care assessors.


Fact sheet for Assessors on care finders

This fact sheet provides information on the care finder program, the target population for care finders and how an assessor can find and connect a person with this service.

My Aged Care Assessment Manual

This manual is for Regional Assessment Services (RAS) and Aged Care Assessment Teams (ACAT). It guides assessors on using good practices in the assessment of older people’s support needs and their eligibility for Australian Government–subsidised aged care services.

My Aged Care – Integrated Assessment Tool (IAT) User Guide

This guide is for Regional Assessment Services (RAS) and Aged Care Assessment Teams (ACATs). It outlines the information you must consider and record when conducting home support assessments and comprehensive assessments using the Integrated Assessment Tool (IAT).

Integrated Assessment Tool (IAT) Offline Form

The IAT Offline Form is to be used by assessment organisations. This form is provided as an alternative way to record assessment outcomes when IT is not available or
appropriate for client engagement, and as a tool to support training.
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