PHI 19/19 Nursing home type patient contribution rates and minimum benefits as at 20 March 2019

Nursing-home type patient contribution rates have been updated to reflect the indexation applied to the Adult Pension Basic Rate and Maximum Daily Rate of Rental Assistance.

Date published:
PHI circular type:
PHI announcement
Health sector

The Private Health Insurance (Complying Product) Amendment Rules 2019 (No. 1) (the Complying Product Amendment Rules) and the Private Health Insurance (Benefit Requirements) Amendment Rules 2019 (No. 2) (the Benefit Requirements Amendment Rules) were registered with the Federal Register of Legislation and commence on 20 March 2019.

The Rules amend the Private Health Insurance (Complying Product) Rules 2015 and the Private Health Insurance (Benefit Requirements) Rules 2011.

Complying product amendment rules

Nursing-home type patient contribution rates have been updated to reflect the indexation applied to the Adult Pension Basic Rate and Maximum Daily Rate of Rental Assistance.

The amendments update the patient contribution rate for nursing home type patients in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmanian, Western Australia and Victorian private hospitals nationally to $61.30 on 20 March 2019 and Northern Territory private hospitals on 1 May 2019.

Public state/territory hospitals
Patient contribution rate

New South Wales
from $60.65 to $61.30

from $60.65 to $61.30

South Australia
from $60.65 to $61.30

from $60.65 to $61.30

Western Australia
from $60.65 to $61.30

from $60.65 to $61.30

Northern Territory
from $57.85 to $61.30 (effective 1 May 2019)

The existing rate for the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory remains in force and is as follows:

Private hospitals
Patient contribution rate

from $60.65 to $61.30

Nursing home type patients: Schedule 4

Nursing home type patient minimum benefits have been updated to reflect the indexation applied to the Adult Pension Basic Rate and Maximum Daily Rate of Rental Assistance.

The amendments increase the minimum benefits payable for privately insured nursing home type patients at public hospitals in New South Wales and Tasmania on 20 March 2019 and Northern Territory on 1 May 2019. The changes are as follows:

Minimum benefit per night

New South Wales
From $127.10 to $129.30

From $145.55 to $147.10

Northern Territory
From $90.69 to $125.00 (effective 1 May 2019)

The existing rates for other states and territories remain in force as follows:

Minimum benefit per night

Australian Capital Territory

South Australia

Western Australia



The minimum benefit payable by insurers for nursing home type patient accommodation in private hospitals in all states and territories has reduced from $50.45 to $49.80.