South Australia's Stronger Medicare Award finalist

A nurse practitioner-led primary healthcare team supporting more than 3,000 patients across the Mallee is South Australia’s finalist in the Stronger Medicare Awards.

The Hon Mark Butler MP
Minister for Health and Aged Care

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A nurse practitioner-led primary healthcare team supporting more than 3,000 patients across the Mallee is South Australia’s finalist in the Stronger Medicare Awards. 
The team at Mallee Border Health Centre, Pinnaroo, has been recognised for their significant contributions in providing nurse practitioner-led vital care for vulnerable patients, including veterans, migrants and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients.
In Medicare’s 40th year, the Stronger Medicare Awards recognise and honour Medicare Champions from around Australia: outstanding individuals and practices that provide exceptional care, embrace innovation, and work together to improve the health of their community. 
More than 140 nominations were submitted from every state and territory, which were then assessed by an expert panel of five independent, pre-eminent individuals from the primary care sector, including a consumer representative. 
The finalists will be celebrated, and Medicare Champions announced, at the Stronger Medicare Awards ceremony at Parliament House in Canberra on 4 November 2024.   
For further information on the awards visit
A media kit with details, photos, patient testimonials and quotes from the finalists is available, upon request. 
Quotes attributable to Minister Butler: 
“South Australia is tremendously fortunate to have so many great doctors, nurses, mental health and other health professionals working to keep them healthy and out of hospital, day in and day out.  
“There are many people and practices in South Australia working outside of hospitals in health settings who go above and beyond to support their patients. 
“I would like to congratulate the team at Mallee Border Health Centre and acknowledge their commitment. They demonstrate selfless service, commitment to excellence, and passion for their patients and community.” 


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