Removal of mask mandates on international flights

The requirement to wear a mask on international flights to Australia will be removed, effective 12.01am on Friday 9 September 2022. Joint media release with Catherine King, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government.

The Hon Mark Butler MP
Minister for Health and Aged Care

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Media release
General public

The requirement to wear a mask on international flights to Australia will be removed, effective 12.01am on Friday 9 September 2022.


This is based on advice from the Chief Medical Officer and is consistent with the decision of National Cabinet on 31 August 2022 on domestic flights.


We encourage travellers to consider wearing a mask to reduce their personal risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19.


Travellers should also be aware that airlines and countries they are travelling through may have different requirements.


Quotes attributable to Minister Butler:


“The requirement to wear masks on international flights to Australia was first implemented in January 2021 to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 on board flights.


“It has been removed on the advice of the Chief Medical Officer that it is no longer proportionate in the current context.


“I encourage everyone travelling overseas to be mindful of the continuing risk of COVID-19 and to take personal precautions to stop the spread and stay safe.”


Quotes attributable to Minister King:


“The Australian Government is grateful to workers across the international airline industry and the travelling public for their commitment to the public health requirements throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.


“Your efforts have kept us all safer.”

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