New form of fast-acting insulin added to the PBS

The Albanese Government is listing a new form of fast-acting insulin on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) from 1 October 2023. 

The Hon Mark Butler MP
Minister for Health and Aged Care

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The Albanese Government is listing a new form of fast-acting insulin on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) from 1 October 2023. 

The listing is welcome news for the more than 15,000 Australians living with diabetes who were affected by the removal by the supplier of the products Fiasp and Fiasp FlexTouch (forms of fast-acting insulin aspart) from the PBS. 

In March, the Government secured access to Fiasp and Fiasp FlexTouch for a further six months and has since negotiated with drug sponsor Novo Nordisk to list a new form of the fast-acting insulin aspart, Fiasp Penfill. 

Available under the same conditions as the previous PBS listing, Fiasp Penfill quickly reduces blood sugars and helps to minimise spikes after eating. 

Quotes attributable to Minister Butler: 

“Australians with type 1 diabetes can breathe a sigh of relief knowing they will continue to have affordable access to fast-acting insulin. 

“The Albanese Government has worked hard to secure an ongoing solution to the commercial decision to delist the original products. 

“We understand how important it is for people with type 1 diabetes to have access to a stable supply of products and medications to manage their illness. 

“The PBS is a vital lifeline to affordable medicines for millions. We’ll continue to ensure it meets the needs of all Australians.” 

Quotes attributable to JDRF CEO, Mike Wilson OAM: 

“This announcement brings significant relief for the more than 15,000 Australians who rely on Fiasp as part of their well-established type 1 diabetes management regime.  

“We commend the Minister for Health, Hon. Mark Butler, for delivering a resolution with Novo Nordisk on this matter, and for listening to JDRF and the type 1 diabetes community in Australia.  

“We equally commend the type 1 diabetes community and all patient organisations who have been advocating tirelessly for this issue over the last six months.  

“We know how much this news will mean to them.” 

Quotes attributable to Diabetes Australia Group CEO, Justine Cain: 

“Minister Butler has demonstrated that the Albanese Government understands how important it is to give people living with diabetes access to the affordable medicines and technologies they need to manage the condition.  

“Diabetes is a demanding and complicated condition that needs constant monitoring.  

“Australians living with diabetes need access to the best available insulins and medicines, at affordable prices, to have their best quality of life and reduce the impact of diabetes-related complications.”  

Quotes attributable to Mr Cem Ozenc, Corporate Vice President and General Manager, Novo Nordisk Oceania:

"This is great news for Australians living with diabetes. 

“Novo Nordisk heard loud and clear the impact to the 15,000 Australians living with diabetes who depended on Fiasp, if Fiasp was no longer available on the PBS.   

“We are pleased that patients can continue accessing this treatment on the PBS. 

“The views of Australians living with diabetes were taken into this decision to list this alternative form of Fiasp, and so we thank Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Australia and Diabetes Australia for their tireless work to advocate for the needs for the people they represent. 

“Novo Nordisk looks forward to continuing a positive, solutions-focused working relationship with the Department of Health and the Federal Minister for Health and Aged Care for our future medicines portfolio.” 


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