New Dapto Medicare Urgent Care Clinic for the Illawarra

Illawarra residents will now have access to fully bulk billed urgent care from highly trained doctors and nurses, at the Dapto Medicare Urgent Care Clinic.

The Hon Mark Butler MP
Minister for Health and Aged Care

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Illawarra residents will now have access to fully bulk billed urgent care from highly trained doctors and nurses, at the Dapto Medicare Urgent Care Clinic.

The existing NSW Urgent Care Service is being transitioned to the Medicare Urgent Care Clinic, following close consultation between the Commonwealth and NSW Governments. The change avoids any overlap in services, ensuring the best outcome for the community, the two programs, and service providers.

The clinic is one of 29 to be established through a $227 million national expansion of the Albanese Government’s successful Medicare UCC Program announced as part of the 2024-25 Budget.

The Dapto Medicare UCC will be open seven days a week, with extended hours, and will be completely bulk billed for walk-in care for urgent, but not life-threatening issues. This could include a cut, viral infection, rash or sprained ankle.

The Dapto Medicare UCC will reduce pressure on the Shellharbour and Wollongong Hospitals where around 55% of presentations to both Hospitals are non-urgent and semi-urgent.

It builds on the Albanese Government’s investment in the Wollongong Medicare UCC which opened in late July 2023. To date, it has seen more than 8,500 visits for a variety of urgent but not life-threatening conditions, including lacerations, respiratory infections, and ear infections.

There have been more than 77,300 visits to Medicare UCCs in NSW to date. Of these, almost one in three were by people under 15 years old, and more than one in three visits happened on the weekend.

Quotes attributable to Minister Butler:

“The Albanese Government is delivering on its commitment to strengthen Medicare and make it easier for people to see a doctor.

 “The Wollongong UCC has already made a big difference to the local community and having this additional UCC in Dapto will give locals more options to get the care they need when they need it.

“The Dapto Urgent Care Clinic will help ensure locals can access more bulk billing healthcare services, where the only card you need is your Medicare card.”

Quotes attributable to Stephen Jones MP, Member for Whitlam:

“Dapto is one of the fastest growing populations in New South Wales, and it’s important locals have access to urgent care covered by Medicare.

“I’m pleased our government is investing in the Dapto Medicare Urgent Care Clinic. I know this will benefit patients greatly, and take pressure off our local hospitals for the treatment of non-life-threatening injuries.” 

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