Illicit Tobacco and E-Cigarette Commissioner to step up the fight against illegal nicotine products

The Albanese Government has established the role of an Illicit Tobacco and E cigarette Commissioner to further ramp up the fight against black market nicotine products.

The Hon Mark Butler MP
Minister for Health and Aged Care

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The Albanese Government has established the role of an Illicit Tobacco and E‑cigarette Commissioner to further ramp up the fight against black market nicotine products.
Erin Dale will act in this important role on an interim basis from 1 July 2024 until a formal appointment is made.
Erin Dale is currently an Australian Border Force (ABF) Assistant Commissioner, leading the Tobacco and E-Cigarette Taskforce. She has previously held various senior executive positions across ABF, including leading all national and regional border operations at Australian ports, overseeing travel, trade facilitation, and enforcement functions.
With more than 25 years of experience across the public and private sectors operating at local, national and international levels, Erin’s career is defined by a commitment to collaboration, rigorous analysis, and evidence-based solutions.
The Illicit Tobacco and E‑cigarette Commissioner will be an essential role in coordinating efforts to combat the threat of illicit tobacco and e-cigarettes. The Commissioner will build on and strengthen existing arrangements, to ensure a more integrated whole-of-government response.
The establishment of this position builds on Australia’s multi-layered approach to reduce smoking and vaping rates in Australia – through stronger legislation, enforcement, education and support.
Since new regulations banning the import of disposable vapes began on 1 January, the ABF and Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) have jointly seized close to 2.9 million illicit vapes, keeping products off the street and out of the hands of young Australians, while putting a dent in the black-market supply chain.
Additionally, from 1 January to 30 April, the ABF have seized more than 112 tonnes of tobacco and 608 million cigarettes.

The establishment of the Commissioner role follows the recent launch of the Government’s $63.4 million ‘Give Up For Good’ campaign, which is raising awareness of the health harms of smoking and vaping and encouraging Australians to take advantage of expanded quit support services.
Quotes attributable to Minister Butler:
“Illicit tobacco and vaping products pose serious concerns to Australia’s success in tobacco control in our community, and I’m pleased to have Erin Dale to take on this role to ramp-up our fight in this Australian-first role.
“We are tackling illicit products on multiple fronts and our coordinated efforts are working to control these products which are hooking Australians on nicotine, with dire health consequences.
“Anyone seeking help to quit smoking or vaping can call the Quitline on 13 QUIT (13 7848), visit, or download the My QuitBuddy app.”
Quotes attributable to Minister O’Neil:
“This is a critical health reform that our government stands united behind. Australia has led the world in pushing back on Big Tobacco and fighting for the health of our citizens and we’re proud to continue that effort.
“Illegal tobacco is no different to any other illegal product – if you attempt to bring it into our country you will be met by the full force of our border protection agencies, led by the new commissioner and backed by our government.”

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