Honouring Medicare champions in Medicare's 40th year

The Australian Government today launched the Stronger Medicare Awards, to honour those who have made a significant contribution to Australia’s primary care sector.

The Hon Mark Butler MP
Minister for Health and Aged Care

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The Albanese Government today launched the Stronger Medicare Awards, to honour those who have made a significant contribution to Australia’s primary care sector.

The Stronger Medicare awards will recognise and honour Medicare Champions from around Australia: outstanding individuals and practices that provide exceptional care, embrace innovation, and work together to improve the health of their community.

First and foremost, these Medicare Champions are individuals and practices that go above and beyond to benefit patients.

Nominations will be open to individual health professionals, practices or health centres and multi-disciplinary teams working across the full range of primary care services. 

They can also extend to the many hard-working people who do not have professional qualifications in healthcare, but work for primary care services to help patients access the care they need, when and where they need it.

Anyone can nominate an individual, team or practice for a Medicare Champion Award and highlight what makes that person special and deserving of national recognition.

This could be their contribution to patient care, innovation, multidisciplinary care or work with diverse communities or vulnerable patients.

An independent panel of respected health experts will review eligible nominations to determine the result. 

Nominations will be open in coming weeks and the Awards will be announced at a ceremony in Canberra in October 2024.

The awards are part of the commemorative activities in 2024 to mark Medicare’s 40th anniversary and celebrate all those who work to benefit patients.

For further information visit the 40th anniversary of Medicare website

Quotes attributable to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:

“Our nation owes an incredible debt to all those who dedicate their lives to protecting and improving the health and wellbeing of their fellow Australians.

“As we celebrate 40 years of Medicare and all that it has delivered for Australia, let’s also take time to celebrate the health workers who are the backbone of the system and the heroes of the pandemic.”

Quotes attributable to Minister Mark Butler:

“These awards are another way to support the talented health practitioners that work to keep Medicare strong, alongside the historic investments the Albanese Government has made in new rebates, tripled bulk billing incentives, 58 Medicare Urgent Care Clinics and reforms like MyMedicare.

“The Stronger Medicare Awards are an opportunity to recognise and honour the outstanding health professionals and other workers in clinics, health centres, general practices and primary care settings, all around Australia.

“Doctors, nurses and other health professionals don’t do the important work they do for the limelight, instead they are driven to improve the lives of their fellow Australians. The Stronger Medicare Awards are one more way that we can honour and say thanks for their effort and their excellence.”

Quotes attributable to Assistant Minister Ged Kearney:

“As a former nurse, I know the life changing but often unrecognised work healthcare professionals do day in day out. 

“This is a simple, yet powerful way to acknowledge the workers in primary care who have gone above and beyond to make a positive difference to our lives, our families and our communities.”

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