Health care for trans and gender diverse Australian children and adolescents

The Australian Government believes in a strong health system for all Australians.

The Hon Mark Butler MP
Minister for Health and Aged Care

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The Australian Government believes in a strong health system for all Australians.

We want young people and their families to receive the best health care, led by the best available evidence and wrap-around support.

Governments also have a clear responsibility to ensure Australians are receiving the best medical advice and care available.

That responsibility is especially important when it comes to the care of highly vulnerable children and adolescents.

Two weeks ago, I sought advice from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and the Therapeutic Goods Administration on the current provision of care for trans and gender diverse Australian children and adolescents.

After considering that advice, I have asked the NHMRC to undertake a comprehensive review of the Australian Standards of Care and Treatment Guidelines for Trans and Gender Diverse Children and Adolescents in Australia, and to develop new national guidelines.

The provision of public gender services to young people in Australia is exclusively led by states and territories who are responsible for the relevant services and employ the relevant clinicians.

But the NHMRC is the nation’s leading expert body in health and medical research and has a statutory responsibility for developing and supporting high quality guidelines for clinical practice.

It is imperative there is community confidence that Australian children, adolescents and their families are receiving the most appropriate care.

The guidelines will be developed in accordance with the NHMRC’s Standards for Guidelines and the international GRADE approach.

The NHMRC will develop the guidelines with an expert committee that includes lived experience and will be informed by public consultation, and international work.

Interim advice on the use of puberty blockers will be completed in the middle of 2026. More information will be available on the NHMRC’s website shortly.

It is important that this process is driven by evidence and is conducted by our most eminent medical researchers and clinicians, engaging with Australians with lived experience.

These guidelines will ensure Australia has the most appropriate national guidelines of clinical practice and that families have the utmost confidence in the health care young Australians receive.

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