Expression of interest for Medicare Urgent Care Clinics in Western Australia

The Australian Government is today announcing the start of an Expression of Interest (EOI) period to establish seven Medicare Urgent Care Clinics (Medicare UCCs) in the state.

The Hon Mark Butler MP
Minister for Health and Aged Care

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The Albanese Government is today announcing the start of an Expression of Interest (EOI) period to establish seven Medicare Urgent Care Clinics (Medicare UCCs) in the state.

The seven Medicare UCCs will ease pressure on West Australian hospitals and give WA families more options to see a healthcare professional when and where they need it. They will be bulk billed and open seven days a week.

Category 4 and 5 presentations to WA hospitals, non-life-threatening emergencies, represent 47 per cent of presentations to emergency departments. The Medicare UCCs will mean instead of taking up precious ED space, patients will be able to get care in their local community.

Medicare UCCs will be established in the following locations:

  • Perth City
  • Joondalup
  • Rockingham
  • Murdoch
  • Midland
  • Bunbury
  • Broome

Medicare UCCs in Western Australia will be established through a phased approach beginning with Perth City, Joondalup and Rockingham.

The EOI will be run by the WA Primary Health Alliance, opening on 10 February 2023, with the submission period set to end on 24 March 2023.

The EOI will be available to existing general practices, community health centres and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services.

The Albanese Government will continue to work closely with the Western Australian Government to deliver the seven Medicare UCCs.

Quotes attributable to Prime Minister Albanese:

“Our Medicare Urgent Care Clinics mean more families in Western Australia will get top-quality care from a nurse or a doctor without having to wait in a hospital emergency department.

“The UCCs will take pressure off hospitals like the Fiona Stanley, Rockingham and Joondalup Health.

“These clinics are a key part of the Government’s plan to strengthen Medicare by making it easier to see a doctor.”

Quotes attributable to Minister Butler:

“We know that doctors around the country, including in WA, are exciting to take up the opportunity of Urgent Care Clinics.

“This EOI means West Australian primary care providers, community health centres and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services will be able to put their interest forward

“The UCCs will be bulk billed and open seven days a week, meaning families don’t end up in the emergency department for non-life-threatening care.”

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