Calvary Mater GP after hours clinic reopens

Following an investment of $28.7 million from the Albanese Labor Government the GP Access After Hours Clinic at the Calvary Mater will re-open tomorrow.

The Hon Mark Butler MP
Minister for Health and Aged Care

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Following an investment of $28.7 million from the Albanese Labor Government the GP Access After Hours Clinic at the Calvary Mater will re-open tomorrow.


The re-opening of the Calvary Mater clinic is the first stage of a rollout of restoration of the Hunter GP Access Clinics – the hours at the GP Access Clinics at Belmont Hospital, John Hunter Hospital, Maitland Hospital and Westlakes Community Health Centre in Toronto will be fully restored over the coming months.


The Albanese Government has provided a record $28.7 million to the Hunter New England Central Coast PHN to commission Hunter Primary Care to reopen the Calvary Mater Clinic and restore full after-hours services at all GP Access clinics.


The Former Liberal Government cut funding to GP Access services, forcing the GP Access clinic at the Calvary Mater Hospital to close permanently and 4 other clinics to significantly reduce their hours from Christmas Eve 2021.


It is a significant milestone that after 16 months of having their doors closed, the GP Access After Hours service at the Calvary Mater Hospital will reopen tomorrow.


GP Access clinics offer face to face and telehealth primary care services outside business hours. These services are bulk billed to anyone with a Medicare card, and delivered by GPs and Registered Nurses, reducing the barrier to access care, and preventing visits to the Emergency Department.


The Calvary Mater clinic will be open weekdays from 6pm to 10pm, Saturdays from 1pm to 8pm and Sundays from 9am to 4pm. Appointments must be booked via the GP Access call centre on 1300 130 147.


Quotes attributable to Minister Butler:


“The Albanese Government has delivered on its commitment to restore the GP Access After Hours clinic, after the former Liberal government cut funding forcing the service to close its doors.


“The much-needed service will again be able to provide individuals and families the care they need, when they need it – and reduce pressure on local hospitals”


Quotes attributable to Pat Conroy MP:


“Following the cuts to the beloved GP Access After Hours service by the former Liberal government, I was proud to work with the community, alongside my Hunter Labor colleagues, to campaign to restore this service. The Albanese Labor Government is listening to the Lake Macquarie and broader Hunter community and restoring this vital service.


"The re-opening of Calvary Mater is the first tranche in the rollout to restore this service and I look forward to working with Primary Health Network over the next few weeks as services are restored at Belmont Hospital and the other GP Access After Hours services.”


Quotes attributable to Sharon Claydon MP:


“After an incredible community campaign, more than 11,000 Novocastrians signed the petition to save this essential service. It was your strong advocacy that saw the Albanese Labor Government’s record investment to restore GP Access to its full capacity.


“The re-opening of the Calvary Mater After Hours Clinic means Novocastrians will once again have access to free quality primary healthcare outside business hours, where the only card you need is your Medicare card.”


Quotes attributable to Meryl Swanson MP:


“I'm proud to work alongside my Hunter colleagues as a team delivering for our region as part of the Albanese Labor Government.


“Together we are making good on a commitment to reverse the bad decisions of the former Liberal Government, restoring this vital service that should never have been cut.”


Quotes attributable to Dan Repacholi MP:


“Restoring the hours for the Toronto GP Access After Hours Clinic was one of the biggest commitments I took to the election, and I am pleased we’ve been able to deliver it.


“The full hours will be restored in coming weeks, and this will mean residents can see a doctor while they are sick and will reduce our overcrowded emergency departments.”


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