Each year over 4 million Australian adults experience a mental health condition. This is a shocking statistic and it highlights the significance of an issue that touches the lives of almost every family.
Today is World Bipolar Day and it is important to reflect that almost two per cent of adults in this group experience some form of bipolar affective condition.
Mental health support is matter of national importance. I’ve already announced that it will be one of the four key elements of the Government’s Long Term National Health Plan.
This year the Turnbull Government is investing $4.2 billion to support people with mental illness to receive the treatment and support they need.
Just last week I announced that we will be developing a new National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan, in consultation with the states and territories and the mental health sector.
We have already established a new mental health advisory panel to be co-chaired by Mental Health Australia CEO Frank Quinlan and National Mental Health Commission CEO Dr Peggy Brown.
We will continue to work closely with other mental health experts and leading organisations to strengthen the way we help people with mental illnesses every day.
Since coming into the health portfolio the number one topic people stop to talk to me about is mental health and I am determined to do everything I can to deliver better outcomes for those that need support.
I welcome the announcement today that SANE Australia is trialling a new app to detect the early onset of mania. This will potentially help prevent the often destructive consequences of a mania episode.
The use of technology in the mental health space is important and I congratulate SANE Australia on the development of this new app for the benefit of people with bipolar, their families and friends.
SANE Australia is calling for 400 people to take part in a three-month, non-clinical trial of the app commencing in July 2017. For more information visit the SANE Australia website.
For more information about the Turnbull Government’s National Mental Health Reforms, visit the Department of Health website.