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Steering Committee Established For National Preventive Health Strategy

The Morrison Government is progressing its 10-year National Preventive Health Strategy, with an Expert Steering Committee selected to inform the strategy’s development.

The Hon Greg Hunt MP
Former Minister for Health and Aged Care

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The Strategy aims to help Australians improve their health at all stages of life, through early intervention, better information and targeting modifiable risk factors, and the broader causes of poor health.

At its core, the Strategy will provide clear and measurable proposals to empower Australians to take a proactive approach to their health and wellbeing. 

The Strategy is a key plank of Australia's Long Term National Health Plan and will complement a range of national strategies and frameworks.

The National Preventive Health Strategy will have a key focus on four key elements:

1.    Cancer and chronic disease population screening (current and emerging opportunities)

2.    Immunisation

3.    Nutrition and obesity

4.    Public education and research

Furthermore, the Morrison Government has committed to reducing Australia’s smoking rates below 10 per cent by 2025.

The Expert Steering Committee, chaired by Health Department Deputy Secretary Dr Lisa Studdert, includes experts across the public health, research and health promotion fields.

In the coming months, a wider consultation process with broader health experts, key stakeholders and consumers will ensure their views are heard and included in the development of the strategy. 

The committee will hold its first roundtable on September 26.

Further information on future roundtables will be announced shortly. 

Representatives of the Expert Steering Committee

Public Health Association of Australia

Australian Health Policy Collaboration

Co-Chairs of Canberra Health Summit (Collaboration of Chronic Disease Groups)

Australian National Advisory Council on Alcohol and Drugs

Consumers Health Forum of Australia

Australian Medical Association

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation

Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance

Health & Biosecurity, CSIRO

Healthy Male Australia

Jean Hailes-for Women’s Health

Cancer Australia

SAX Institute

The Australian Prevention Partnership Centre

National Rural Health Alliance

Cancer Council Australia

Australian National University National Centre for Epidemiology & Population Health

National Drug Research Institute

Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation

Allied Health Professionals Australia

Australian Physiotherapy Association

Health Issues Centre – Consumer voices for better healthcare






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