The Australian Government will provide $2.5 million to the National Health and Medical Research Council to review the 2013 Australian Dietary Guidelines.
The review of the guidelines will ensure that Government dietary advice is based on the best and most recent scientific evidence about the types and amount of food we need to have a long and healthy life.
Minister for Health Greg Hunt said the review would ensure the guidelines remained a trusted resource.
“A healthy diet is essential to help lower the risk of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and obesity as well as chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some types of cancers,” Minister Hunt said.
“By preventing disease and the disease risk factors, significant suffering can be averted and the costs to our health system reduced.”
Since the 1980s, the Australian Dietary Guidelines have been a trusted source of information about healthy eating for consumers, health professionals, educators and the food industry.
The NHMRC will soon begin the task of reviewing the dietary guidelines, with the first step being a review of the latest nutrition science research and evidence from Australia and overseas. Consultation with stakeholders will be undertaken throughout the review.
The Minister with portfolio responsibility for food regulation, Richard Colbeck, said, ensuring Australians had up-to-date information about diet and nutrition was important.
“The ability to choose food wisely will help contribute to a balanced diet and lead to better health,” Minister Colbeck said.
The Health Star Rating system featured on packaged grocery items is underpinned by dietary guidelines and it is important to ensure this system is based on robust and up to date evidence.
Minister Colbeck said a review of the dietary guidelines was an opportunity to shape nutrition policy and programs.
“This will ensure more Australians can stay on the right nutritional track and live better for longer.”
For more information about the current Australian Dietary Guidelines visit