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Review into integrity of Australian sport

As part of the development of Government’s National Sport Plan, the Honourable James Wood AO QC has been asked to lead a specific review into the integrity of Australian sport.

The Hon Greg Hunt MP
Former Minister for Health and Aged Care

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As part of the development of Government’s National Sport Plan I have asked the Honourable James Wood AO QC to lead a specific review into the integrity of Australian sport.

Mr Wood is a former Judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and former Chairperson of the Law Reform Commission of New South Wales.

Sport is part of our DNA, bringing with it so many physical, social, cultural and economic benefits so it’s vital the integrity of all sports are protected.

At the moment we have some of the world’s strongest integrity measures but we need to ensure it always remains this way.

The Review will examine national and international integrity threats and future challenges, including the rise of illegal offshore wagering, match-fixing and doping in sport.

They will also consider the merits of establishing a dedicated national sports integrity commission.

In conducting the Review Mr Wood will be supported by panel members Mr David Howman CNZM, former Director General of the World Anti-Doping Agency, and Mr Ray Murrihy, former Racing New South Wales Chief Steward.

These members will be assisted by adjunct panel members Ms Jo Setright, nominated by the Coalition of Major Professional and Participation Sports, and The Honourable Dr Annabelle Bennett AO SC nominated by the Australian Olympic Committee, Australian Paralympic Committee and Commonwealth Games Australia.

Sporting codes and relevant stakeholders will be consulted, ensuring their views are captured in this process.

Consultation is underway with a report to Government expected later this year.

Any additional submissions following the National Sports Plan consultation period to the Panel may be provided via up to the close of business on 25 August 2017.

Review into integrity arrangements in Australian sport

Terms of Reference

The Review Panel will:

  • Examine the current national and international sports integrity threat environment and foreseeable future challenges;
  • Examine the adequacy of Australia’s current sports integrity capability against this current environment, with particular attention to;
    • the capability of the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority and Australia’s sport sector to address contemporary doping threats, including the anti-doping rule violation process, and opportunities for improvement;
    • the effectiveness of the 2011 National Policy on Match-Fixing, including consideration of the merits of becoming a signatory to the European Convention on the Manipulation of Sports Competitions (Macolin Convention), and case for national match-fixing laws;
    • the merits of establishing a formal national platform for effective ongoing detection of and response to betting-related sports corruption; and
    • the merits of establishing a national sports integrity tribunal, as a single independent body to hear anti-doping rule violations and other sports integrity matters;
  • Consider options for structural changes to current sports integrity arrangements, including the merits or otherwise of establishing a dedicated national sports integrity commission or similar entity;
  • Consult widely with stakeholders on the above matters to ensure a comprehensive capture of views and insights to aid the review; and
  • Make recommendations on the above for Government consideration.

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