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Novavax – first protein vaccine now available

Australia’s first protein vaccine, Novavax will join the national rollout from Monday through select general practices, community pharmacies and state clinics across the country.

The Hon Greg Hunt MP
Former Minister for Health and Aged Care

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Australia’s first protein vaccine, Novavax will join the national rollout from Monday through select general practices, community pharmacies and state clinics across the country.

The Australian Government has secured 51 million doses of Novavax to compliment the vaccine rollout.

Novavax is the first protein-based COVID-19 vaccine to be provisionally approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

One of five vaccines now approved for use in Australia, Novavax has been proven safe and effective in protecting against severe illness or death associated with COVID-19 infection. 

Protein vaccines use a non-infectious protein component of the virus manufactured in a lab. After vaccination, immune cells recognise the vaccine protein as foreign and launch an immune response against it.

Vaccinations, including a booster dose, are without doubt our best defence against getting sick and protecting Australian communities

Despite high vaccination rates in Australia, there has been a demand for a protein-based formula. For some people, the arrival of Novavax will be the extra push they need to get their first jab and kick start their protection against COVID-19.

Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) recommends Novavax for people aged 18 years and older for their primary course of vaccination, with two doses to be administered three weeks apart.

Before any COVID-19 vaccine can be supplied for use in Australia it must undergo a rigorous evaluation by the TGA for safety, quality and effectiveness, including testing of every batch upon arrival in Australia. The TGA will only approve a vaccine once it has established that the benefits greatly outweigh any potential risks.

Like any other vaccine, Novavax will be required to continue providing information to the TGA on longer-term efficacy and safety from ongoing clinical trials and post-market assessment.

Novavax does not currently have approval to be used for paediatric patients, or for booster shots, but studies into its use for both are ongoing.

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