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New AMA leadership team elected at 2020 AMA National Conference

The Australian Medical Association (AMA) has announced its new president, Dr Omar Khorshid, following Dr Tony Bartone’s two year tenure coming to an end.

The Hon Greg Hunt MP
Former Minister for Health and Aged Care

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The Australian Medical Association (AMA) has announced its new president, Dr Omar Khorshid, following Dr Tony Bartone’s two year tenure coming to an end.

Dr Khorshid is an orthopaedic surgeon from Perth and a former AMA WA President and current AMA Federal Councillor.

Supporting Dr Khorshid, will be by the new Federal Vice-President Dr Chris Moy, an experienced GP and distinguished AMA leader.

The Australian Government welcomes these appointments.

The task ahead in the midst of a once in a century pandemic will not be without it’s challenges but the strong partnership with the AMA and it’s new leadership team will ensure that our health system remains strong, sustainable and delivers high-quality healthcare for all Australians.

We must also focus on the health care of Australians beyond the coronavirus, and providing vital support to our healthcare workers on the frontline.

I would like to acknowledge the extraordinary contribution that Dr Tony Bartone has made in his tenure as Federal President of the AMA over the last two years.

His tenure as president has coincided with a period of reform and then, of emergency—both the bushfire emergency and more recently the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Of particular significance, has been the crucial role he has played working with our Government to devise the general practice elements of the comprehensive $2.4 billion federal health package.

These included dozens of new telehealth measures under Medicare and incentives for GPs to keep their practices open for patients who required face to face consultations.

Dr Bartone has also been an important member of the Primary Health Reform Steering Group providing advice on the development of our Primary Health Care 10 Year Plan.

Our Government acknowledges the extraordinary achievement and commitment of the AMA members who each and every day are at the frontline of the COVID-19 response.

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