This content relates to a former minister

New advice to keep Australians ‘up to date’ with COVID-19 vaccinations

The Australian Government has today received updated advice from the medical experts of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) about COVID-19 vaccination status.

The Hon Greg Hunt MP
Former Minister for Health and Aged Care

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The Australian Government has today received updated advice from the medical experts of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) about COVID-19 vaccination status.

The experts at ATAGI have today updated their advice regarding what constitutes being ‘up to date’ with regards to COVID-19 vaccines.

Under the new advice, a person is ‘up to date’ if they have completed all the doses recommended for their age and individual health needs.

ATAGI recommend that everyone aged 16 years and older receive a booster dose three months after their primary course, to maintain the best protection and an ‘up to date’ status.

Further, ATAGI has advised that if it has been longer than six months since a person’s primary course and they haven’t had a booster, they will no longer be considered ‘up to date’ and instead will be considered ‘overdue’.

ATAGI has noted that this advice is provided for the management of the COVID-19  pandemic here in Australia and does not cover the vaccination requirements relating to international border settings.

The Government has accepted this advice from ATAGI and the advice has been referred to National Cabinet for implementation.

Booster doses are readily available for everyone over 16 years of age three months after they have received their last primary dose.

The Government places safety above all else, as it has done throughout the pandemic, and will continue to follow the medical advice in protecting Australians.

People under 16 years of age will continue to be considered ‘up to date’ after completing their primary course of vaccination, while severely immunocompromised people aged five years and older require a third primary dose to remain up to date.

There are appointments available now and everyone who is eligible but not yet had their booster is encouraged to do so. To book a booster dose please use the COVID-19 Clinic Finder and make your appointment.

The Australian Government has secured more than 151 million booster doses for delivery over the coming year and is well placed to continue to achieve world leading vaccination rates against COVID-19.

For more information and to read the ATAGI advice visit


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