Following extensive consultation with stakeholders, the Morrison Government will extend the consultation period for the updated National Medicines Policy (NMP).
The review, which has been underway since August 2021, has already undertaken significant stakeholder feedback and a number of submissions as part of the most recent consultations.
To ensure a continued collaborative process, the Government has agreed to extend the finalisation of the revised NMP until after the Federal election.
The NMP is a well-established and endorsed framework, built on a broad partnership between the Commonwealth, States and Territories, health educators, health practitioners, and other healthcare providers and suppliers, the medicines industry and consumers.
By working together, the NMP helps to promote:
- quality care responsive to people’s needs
- incentives for preventive health and cost effective care
- better value for taxpayers’ dollars
- more clearly defined roles and responsibilities; and
- continued universal access to basic health services through Medicare.
The review is being led by an Expert Advisory Committee chaired by Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Professor Michael Kidd AM. Its members include Emeritus Professor Lloyd Sansom AO, Mr David Herd, Mrs Jan Donovan and Dr Sarah Dineen-Griffin.
The Committee received 156 written submissions and consulted with 194 representatives across 135 organisations through its program of meetings and virtual group discussions.
It also held two virtual stakeholder webinar forums attended in total by 375 participants.
In total, 96 responses were received on the draft revised NMP. The Government thanks the consumers, professional associations, peak bodies, and industry who have been engaged throughout the review for their considered and invaluable contribution so far.
Australia’s National Medicines Policy (NMP) has been in place 2000 and our Government is committed to ensuring it continues to be in operation and is a fit-for-purpose system for our nations health.
The Morrison Government continues to improve the health outcomes for all Australians, including through access to affordable and effective medicines on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).