The Turnbull Government is providing funding for 105 Men’s Sheds across Australia to support the physical and mental health and wellbeing of men in our communities.
A total of 123 grants totalling $400,000 have been awarded to Sheds across Australia.
This is an important program for men in the community to connect with each other, particularly older men who are at greater risk of social isolation and preventable health issues.
Men’s Sheds provide a sense of community, a safe and friendly environment where men can work on meaningful projects at their own pace, in their own time.
A major objective of the program is to advance their health and wellbeing.
Men often use their existing skills in metalwork and woodwork to make things for their communities or teach other members these skills.
Some Men’s Sheds are trying new things, like classes to learn how to prepare healthy meals, particularly for men living on their own.
For many Aussie men, going to their local Men’s Shed is an opportunity to just enjoy each other’s company, by having a chat or a joke with other members, over a game of cards or a cuppa.
This funding will allow Men’s Sheds – particularly those in rural or disadvantaged communities – to buy tools and equipment, support community projects and training, maintain or develop their buildings, or create local activities to improve men’s health.
This funding is part of the $5.1 million the Turnbull Government is providing to the Australian Men’s Shed Association through to 2018-19.
We are committed to boosting mental health services and the 2017-18 Budget provides more than $170 million for mental health support, treatment and research.
This includes $80 million of additional funding, contingent on matched commitments from the states and territories, to maintain community psychosocial services for people with mental illness who do not qualify for assistance through the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
People living in rural and remote regions of Australia will now receive significantly improved access to psychologists, under a new $9.1 million telehealth initiative set to roll-out later this year.
We are also providing more than $50 million for a mental health prevention and support package for serving ADF members, veterans and their families.
Details of the successful Men’s Shed grants are available at Men's Shed website.