The Turnbull Government is providing funding to 90 Men’s Sheds across the country to support the mental health and overall wellbeing of Australian men.
Men’s Sheds will receive grants totalling $395,000 under round 16 of the National Shed Development Programme to help them buy tools, maintain sheds and host community activities focused on men’s health issues.
Men’s Sheds are helping Australian men to stay healthy and strong in every way.
They offer a friendly, welcoming environment where men can connect with each other without pressure. They can work on projects or just hang out.
Feeling part of a social group is important to our emotional and mental health and every day Men’s Sheds provide men with an opportunity for companionship.
About a third of Men’s Sheds will use this money to run community activities or events focussed specifically on health issues affecting men, some in partnership with local allied health services.
They may be awareness-raising events or providing education and training such as first aid. These activities will be aimed at men in the wider community, not just members of the Men’s Sheds.
Although mental illness affects both men and women, we know that men are less likely to seek help. In 2016, the rate of suicide among Australian males was more than three times that of females.
This funding is part of the total $5.1 million that the Government is providing to the Australian Men’s Shed Association to support Men’s Sheds over the three years to June 2019.
All sheds that meet the definition of a men’s shed are eligible to apply for funding under the National Shed Development Programme.
There are three categories of grants — for purchase of tools and equipment, community projects and training; for building maintenance and development; and for health improvement activities.
Details of all the new grants can be found at the Australian Men’s Shed Association website.