The Turnbull Government is taking action to inspire Australia’s young girls and women to get active — with the launch of the next phase of the Girls Make Your Move campaign today.
One in five girls told us that the Girls Make Your Move education campaign inspired them to be more active. This is a great result and we want to keep this momentum going.
The $7 million second phase of the Girls Make Your Move advertising and promotion campaign targeted at girls aged 12 to 19 years begins today across social media, television, cinema advertising and more.
A new Girls Make Your Move Facebook page has been created. It complements the campaign’s highly successful Instagram site @girlsmakeyourmove which posts daily tips and motivational messages to further inspire young women to keep active.
I’m really pleased to see that the Turnbull Government’s campaign continues to gain traction among young women and encourages girls to participate in organised sport or physical activity.
Getting the message out to young women that there is a sport or activity that they will love is important.
We are seeing a lot of excitement around the Women’s AFL, the W-League and Women’s Netball — especially with the launch of Super Netball this weekend.
I hope girls and young women will take this energy and use it as motivation to get out and participate in a sport or activity of their own.
An active, energetic life starts early, so I want to encourage all girls to have a go and enjoy getting active every day.
Evaluation of the first phase of Girls Make Your Move showed that the campaign reached more than 80 per cent of girls in the target group.
Among those who recalled seeing the campaign, 71 per cent had responded by talking about doing more physical activity, talking about the campaign, or looking up information.
Research reveals that girls tend to significantly reduce their physical activity in their teenage years. We know that this can lead to health problems later in life.
Nine out of ten girls don’t move enough. We need to change that culture so that our young Australian women reap the enormous benefits of making exercise a part of their day and a part of their life.
Being active is good for our bodies and our minds — better health, better fitness and better moods help us all live our lives to the full.
The Australian physical activity guidelines for 13 to 17 year olds recommend an hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day.
Lack of physical activity and obesity are linked to the development of chronic conditions including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis.
I’m encouraging all young women to have a go and work on developing good physical activity habits now, for a more active, healthy lifestyle — now and into the future.
For more information about Girls Make Your Move and how you can get involved visit the Girls Make Your Move website.