This content relates to a former minister

Mental health support this holiday season

For many, Christmas and New Year is a time of celebration with family, friends and loved ones.

The Hon Greg Hunt MP
Former Minister for Health and Aged Care

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For many, Christmas and New Year is a time of celebration with family, friends and loved ones.

However, the end of year holiday season can also be a time when many people experience stress, anxiety, depression, or social isolation.

Over this period, I want to encourage those seeking help to visit the Head to Health website - a dedicated online destination that helps people find free or low-cost online and phone mental health services in a private, secure and anonymous way.

Head to Health showcases more than 380 trusted phone and digital mental health services and resources, and provides support whenever and wherever it is needed.

For many people experiencing issues such as depression and anxiety, phone and online mental health resources can be as effective as face-to-face treatment, particularly if there is additional practitioner support.

In Australia, it is estimated that one in five people experience a common mental disorder each year.

Nearly half of the Australian population will experience mental illness at some point in life, but less than half will access treatment.

To help, we are promoting the multiple award-winning Head to Health website using social media, online video, mobile display, digital display, and search.

People experiencing emotional or mental health challenges can use the website before they reach crisis point or between visits with their traditional health care provider.

It also provides advice and information for families and friends who are looking for ways to assist someone in need.

Head to Health was developed by people with a lived experience of mental health as well as mental health professionals, to help better connect Australians to information, advice, and free or low cost phone and online mental health services and services, 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

We’re committed to ensuring Australians of all ages have access to the support they need to face life’s challenges.

The Liberal National Government is prioritising better mental health for all Australians with $4.7 billion expected to be spent on mental health this financial year.

Our Government’s strong economic management ensures we continue to invest record amounts of funding into vital health initiatives including mental health, life-saving medicines, Medicare and hospitals.

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