Men’s Sheds across the country have received a total of $400,000 in grants from the Morrison Government to boost the health and wellbeing of men in their communities.
To mark Men’s Shed Week, I am delighted to announce that under round 17 of the Government’s National Shed Development Programme 104 sheds received grants for various activities and projects.
The Men’s Shed grants programme provides funding for health improvement activities, the purchase of tools and equipment, community projects and training, and for building maintenance and development
Men are often the last ones to make their health and wellbeing a priority. It’s imperative that we do what we can to ensure they get the support they need and deserve.
Feeling part of a social group is important to our emotional and mental health and Men’s Sheds provide men with an opportunity for companionship and support within their community
Men’s Sheds have been a real success story in promoting health and wellbeing for Australian men and I am delighted to award these grants.
The Morrison Government recognises these benefits and is investing a total of $5.1 million over three years to the national Men’s Sheds movement.
All sheds that meet the definition of a Men’s Shed are eligible to apply for funding and grants are awarded on a competitive basis up to a total of $10,000, with priority given to sheds in disadvantaged areas.
Grants are awarded across three categories – health and wellbeing and events, shed improvements and equipment.
A Men’s Shed can be a purpose built facility, a multipurpose community or private building or shared space used on a regular basis for the purposes of a Men’s Shed.