I want to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to Pete Shmigel for his work, dedication and stewardship of Lifeline Australia for the last two years.
For more than 50 years Lifeline has helped many thousands of Australians struggling with life’s challenges through its counselling services over the telephone, web and face to face counselling services.
During his tenure at Lifeline, Pete has made a significant contribution to ensuring the most vulnerable people in our community receive the help, guidance and support they need to get back on track.
As CEO, Pete was instrumental in securing Commonwealth funding for a range of projects and programs to ensure that no matter what their individual circumstances, people could contact Lifeline and get the help they needed.
His leadership and advocacy were instrumental in securing commitment from all states and territories for a national suicide prevention strategy, which is now being developed.
Pete has also been a key member of the Digital Mental Health Advisory Committee. I greatly appreciate his work on this important committee and his valuable insight and advice on key health issues.
His energy, vision and constructive approach to tackling difficult issues will be much missed by the sector.
I understand Pete will continue to play an important role at Lifeline as a volunteer telephone counsellor.
I wish Pete all the best in his future endeavours and sincerely thank him for his service to the Australian community.