The Morrison Government welcomes the launch of today’s national women’s health survey, which reflects the challenges and opportunities for the health care needs of Australian women and girls.
The fifth annual Jean Hailes National Women’s Health Survey reflects the health needs and behaviour of almost 10,000 women throughout Australia.
The survey has helped shape a better understanding of the emerging issues and trends in women’s health.
The survey reveals women want more information on anxiety than any other health topic. Women also want more information on menopause, weight management, bone health and dementia.
The Government is committed to improving the lives of all Australian women.
We have invested $50 million in initiatives for women, including the National Women’s Health Strategy 2020–2030, which establishes a national approach to improving the health of women and girls across the country.
So far this year, we have announced $35 million for ovarian and gynaecological cancer research through the Medical Research Future Fund. More than $37 million has been invested since 2013 through the National Health and Medical Research Council for ovarian cancer research.
In 2017-18, the Government spent over $21 million to subsidise medicines for ovarian cancer on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and continues to support improved access to medicines and treatments through the PBS and Medicare.
We have also provided over $4.5 million to Ovarian Cancer Australia for patient support for the TRACEBACK project and the Ovarian Cancer Case Management Pilot.
In addition, the Government has invested $13.7 million in activities under the National Action Plan for Endometriosis, including:
- $500,000 for awareness and education
- $600,000 to develop guidance materials for health practitioners for diagnosis and management
- $12.6 million in research.
Australia has one of the best health systems in the world and women enjoy long, healthy lives with a current life expectancy of 85 for those born in recent years.
However this long life expectancy disguises avoidable ill-health and inequitable outcomes between different groups.
Tobacco smoking, being overweight or obese, insufficient exercise, illicit drugs and mental health problems negatively impact the health and wellbeing of Australian women and girls.
The survey will help guide all levels of government, peak bodies and providers of health services and information to improve the health care of Australian women and girls.
The Jean Hailes National Women’s Health Survey is available on the Jean Hailes for Women's Health website.