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Educating the Nurse of the Future

A joint media release with The Hon. Dan Tehan MP, Minister for Education about the release of the Independent Review of Nursing Education—Educating the Nurse of the Future.

The Hon Greg Hunt MP
Former Minister for Health and Aged Care

Media event date:
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Media type:
Media release
General public

The Morrison Government welcomes the release of the Independent Review of Nursing Education—Educating the Nurse of the Future.

The Government commissioned the review to ensure nurses are adequately equipped to meet the needs of Australia’s future health system.

Nurses are the largest single health profession in Australia, and comprise more than 40 per cent of Australia’s health workforce.

The Government called for this review because significant changes have occurred in health care, higher education, and demographics since nursing education was last examined in 2002.

The terms of reference, conducted by Emeritus Professor Steven Schwartz, examined:

  • The effectiveness of the current educational preparation of, and articulation between, enrolled and registered nurses and nurse practitioners in meeting the needs of health service delivery.
  • The respective roles of the education and health sectors in the education of the nursing workforce.
  • Regional needs and circumstances.
  • National and international trends.

Extensive public consultation informed the review. More than 1,100 educators, clinicians, supervisors, policy-makers, patient group members, students, managers, and union representatives attended consultations.

The review also received 84 written submissions, commissioned four research papers, and conducted surveys of specially targeted groups.

The report includes 26 recommendations for the educational preparation required for nurses to meet the future health, aged care, and disability needs of the Australian community.

This includes clinical training, looking at the different levels of nursing, examining the way we attract people to a career in nursing—both male and female—and exploring the best way to encourage diversity.

This review is part of the Morrison Government’s $550 million Stronger Rural Health Strategy, which is building a sustainable, high-quality health workforce across Australia.

The Government will now consider the recommendations.

We thank Professor Schwartz for his work on this review, which will have a positive impact on nursing education and the health care needs of all Australians now and into the future.

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