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Continued role for key COVID-19 advisory group

I am delighted to announce the reappointment of the 14-member COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments for Australia – the Science and Industry Technical Advisory Group (SITAG) for an additional 7-month term.

The Hon Greg Hunt MP
Former Minister for Health and Aged Care

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I am delighted to announce the reappointment of the 14-member COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments for Australia – the Science and Industry Technical Advisory Group (SITAG) for an additional 7-month term.

The Australian Government has reappointed all members of a key COVID-19 vaccines advisory group until 30 June 2022.

SITAG has played a fundamental role in providing expert advice to the Australian Government on purchasing and manufacturing COVID-19 vaccines and treatments. Their advice has formed the cornerstone of Australia’s COVID-19 response.

SITAG began in August 2020. Its advice throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has ensured access to the best available COVID-19 vaccines and treatments for all Australians.

The continuity of the SITAG membership ensures ongoing support for the Government as we continue our path through the COVID-19 pandemic and will further assist the Government’s National Plan to transition Australia’s National COVID-19 Response.

In additional to the returning members of SITAG, I welcome Associate Professor Nigel Crawford as a new member to the Group.

As the current Chair of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) and its Vaccine Safety Subgroup, Associate Professor Crawford brings a wealth of immunisation and clinical expertise to SITAG.

With first dose vaccination rates of over 90% in eligible Australians aged 16 and above, Australians continue to show that they are listening to the expert advice of our medical experts and coming forward to protect themselves, their families and their communities and the nation.

Members of the Science and Industry Technical Advisory Group (SITAG)


Background and experience

Dr Brendan Murphy (Chair)

Secretary, Department of Health

Prof Paul Kelly (Deputy Chair)

Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health

Dr John Anderson

Independent Advisor

A/Prof Chris Blyth

Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) COVID-19 Working Group Co-Chair 

Prof Allen Cheng

Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) COVID-19 Working Group Co-Chair

A/Prof Nigel Crawford

Chair, Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI)

Dr Cathy Foley AO PSM

Australia’s Chief Scientist

Mr Rob Hetherington

Independent Adviser

Dr Larry Marshall

Chief Executive, CSIRO

Ms Sue MacLeman

Chair, MTP Connect

Ms Kirsten O’Doherty

Independent Adviser

Dr Felicia Pradera

Program Manager for Medical Countermeasures Development, DMTC 

Mr Mark Sullivan

Managing Director, Medicines Development Ltd

Prof Andrew Wilson

Chair, Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee

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