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Aboriginal & Torres Strait Island childhood vaccination rates hit record high

The Australian Government’s ongoing commitment to immunisation education is protecting more children from infectious diseases, with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Island childhood immunisation rates hitting a record high.

The Hon Greg Hunt MP
Former Minister for Health and Aged Care

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The Morrison Government’s ongoing commitment to immunisation education is protecting more children from infectious diseases, with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Island childhood immunisation rates hitting a record high.

New data for the September 2019 quarter shows immunisation coverage for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children is at record levels across all three age groups:

  • One-year-old Indigenous coverage continues to move towards the national target of 95 per cent, with September 2019 coverage at 92.48 per cent, up 0.09 per cent since June 2019.
  • Two-year-old Indigenous coverage rate is now at 89.51 per cent, up from 89.10 per cent since June 2019.
  • The national coverage rate for Indigenous five year olds has increased by more than a percentage point over the last two years to 97.05 per cent.

At 97.05 per cent, coverage for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander five year olds is actually higher than for all five year olds at 94.82 per cent – just short of the 95 per cent target for providing ‘herd immunity’ for highly infectious diseases such as measles.

The Morrison Government’s message to protect children from disease with lifesaving vaccines is reaching more parents, and our public health campaigns and immunisation programs are protecting more Australians.

Immunisation saves and protects lives.

Australia has world-leading vaccination rates for children, well above the global vaccination coverage of 85 per cent.

The latest figures show the Government’s No Jab, No Pay policy on childcare benefits, and the $20 million Get the Facts Childhood Immunisation Education Campaign, are working.

Phase three of the Campaign delivered a public relations strategy specifically focused on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents of children aged from birth to five years.

It also targeted Aboriginal Medical Services, which are a trusted source of information for parents, particularly in regional and remote communities.

Each year, the Morrison Government invests more than $400 million in the National Immunisation Program to protect Australians of all ages against disease.

Immunisation is the most effective way to prevent infectious diseases. Australia’s immunisation services, programs and policies lead the world, and this is reflected in our low incidence of vaccine preventable disease.

Full details of the latest immunisation coverage rates are available on the Department of Health website

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