The Morrison Government is investing $7.5 million for research into the use of artificial intelligence in health care.
Artificial intelligence (AI) will be critical in transforming the future of health care through improved preventive, diagnostic and treatment approaches.
Research into the use of AI is likely to provide significant benefits, including improved clinical decision making, new approaches in healthcare delivery and helping patients to better manage their own health.
We are providing these grants to researchers through the Medical Research Future Fund so they can help us fully understand the potential benefits of AI in health care.
AI has already begun to be used in these and other areas and, as technology develops, so too will its scale of use.
AI for better health, aged care and disability services was recently identified as one of the top three areas where Australia is well positioned to transform existing industries and build new ones, including opportunities to export solutions worldwide.
Importantly consumers will be involved in the research journey to ensure the research is applicable to the needs of the Australian community.
This investment also has the potential to maximise Australia’s capacity to attract and retain high quality AI researchers and stay at the forefront of AI internationally.
The Applied Artificial Intelligence Research in Health Grants are an initiative under the National Critical Research Infrastructure Initiative.
The grant opportunity will be launched on Wednesday 18 December 2019, via GrantConnect (