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$63.4 million for rare cancers and rare diseases research

Research into some of the world’s rarest forms of cancer and disease have received a boost, with the Australian Government announcing 27 grant recipients under the 2021 Rare Cancers, Rare Diseases and Unmet Need (RCRDUN) grant opportunity.

The Hon Greg Hunt MP
Former Minister for Health and Aged Care

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Research into some of the world’s rarest forms of cancer and disease have received a boost, with the Morrison Government announcing 27 grant recipients under the 2021 Rare Cancers, Rare Diseases and Unmet Need (RCRDUN) grant opportunity.

The grants have been awarded to 27 projects through the grant opportunity, which aims to increase clinical trial activity in Australia for rare cancers and rare disease by supporting new, high quality research.

The RCRDUN opportunity also encourages novel and innovative clinical trial methodologies, such as the application of precision medicine to take individual genetic variation into account in disease treatment.

Rare cancers and rare diseases are specific, life threatening or chronically debilitating health conditions that affect fewer than 1 in 2,000 people.

With limited treatment options, patient outcomes may not be optimal and the combined health burden on the patient and the health sector is significant.

Among the 27 grant recipients are:

  • $1,515,180 to the University of New South Wales to trial combination precision guided therapies for high risk childhood cancer, based on each child’s individual tumour profile. This can support better targeted treatments based on precision medicine for children with the most aggressive cancers.
  • $2,970,301 to Monash University, for a study that will test whether a structured radiology report can improve the accuracy of reporting of CT scans in pancreatic cancer, to help doctors distinguish patients who should receive chemotherapy before surgery versus surgery alone, to optimise care. Identifying the most effective treatment for patients as quickly as possible will support improved outcomes from this devastating cancer.

The RCRDUN opportunity follows previous clinical trial activity funded under the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Clinical Trials Activity initiative.

The Coalition Government is proud to have invested almost $2 billion in ground-breaking medical research through the MRFF to improve the health and wellbeing of Australians.

Investing in health and medical research is a key priority of the Government’s Long Term National Health Plan. Research of all kinds is essential to improve our prevention of disease, health care and treatments, and to make our health system work better for all Australians.

The Government’s MRFF is a $20 billion endowment fund, a long-term investment supporting Australia’s best and brightest researchers. Further information about the MRFF is available at

2021 Rare Cancers, Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Grant Opportunity




A precision medicine clinical trial platform to BEAT CF

The University of Newcastle


A randomised controlled trial of Standard Of Care versus RadioAblaTion in Early Stage HCC (The SOCRATES HCC Study)

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HEPATA: Hereditary Pancreatitis and AutoIslet Transplant Trials in Australia

The University of Adelaide


Improving the lives of people with Phantom Limb Pain - the TITAN trial (graded moTor Imagery for phanTom lImb pAiN)

University of New South Wales


Driving functional recovery after spinal cord injury using transcutaneous electrical spinal cord neuromodulation (TESCoN)

University of Melbourne


REDEEM: A Randomised Controlled Trial of ECMO to Desedate, Extubate Early and Mobilise in severe acute respiratory infection

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A Multicomponent Exercise Medicine Programme in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer Undergoing Neoadjuvant Therapy (the EXPAN trial): A Two-armed Phase I Randomised Controlled Trial

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REMIT: An international, multi-centre, randomised clinical trial to compare Obinutuzumab + Calcineurin Inhibitor  to  Corticosteroid + Cyclophosphamide treatment regimens in Primary Membranous Nephropathy

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SCANPatient: Synoptic reporting of CT scans assessing cancer of the pancreas

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Implementing a Nurse-Enabled, Shared-Care Model to Address Unmet Needs of People with Neuroendocrine Tumours: the AUS-NET Trial

Flinders University


A Platform trial of combination precision guided therapies for high risk childhood cancer

University of New South Wales


An early phase, open label, multi-centre trial of front-line TheRapy for EBv-associated Lymphomas – 2: TREBL-2

The University of Queensland


Optimising Care: Phase III Trial in women with metastatic breast cancer to improve quality of life via exercise and diet

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The SiroSkin study: A multi-centre randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial of 1% topical sirolimus in the chemoprevention of facial squamous cell carcinomas in solid organ transplant recipients

The University of Queensland






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