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$23.7 million to support Australia’s peak health groups

The Australian Government is opening a new round to invest more than $23 million to support our nation’s peak health groups and advisory bodies.

The Hon Greg Hunt MP
Former Minister for Health and Aged Care

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The Australian Government is opening a new round to invest more than $23 million to support our nation’s peak health groups and advisory bodies.

These groups play a major role in improving the health and wellbeing of all Australians and as we continue navigating the COVID-19 environment, the advice of Australia’s peak health groups and advisory bodies remains critical.

Their impartial advice, expertise and experience means the Government can implement reforms that boost the health and wellbeing of all Australians now and into the future.

Since 2016, the Health Peak and Advisory Bodies program has contributed to building a better health care system for the nation.

This new grant opportunity supports a wide range of health organisations consult and share information with their members, the wider health sector, the community and the Government. It also helps them to provide sector knowledge, expertise and education and training to health practitioners, improving the quality of health services.

The Government will look favourably at health peak and advisory bodies that have a national presence, and nation-wide membership. In particular, we are looking for applications with demonstrated expertise, and who are able to contribute to the national health agenda and priorities set out in Australia’s National Preventive Health Strategy.

Applications opened on 27 April 2021, with funding available to eligible national peak bodies over three years from July 2022.

For more information on the grants and to apply, visit


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