The Morrison Government is investing $10 million in bold and innovative ideas in health and medical service delivery.
The funding is being delivered under the $570 million Frontier Health and Medical Research Initiative under the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).
This is the first in a two stage process, offering project teams the opportunity to develop detailed research plans for consideration. This is the second Stage One round from the Frontiers Initiative, with 10 projects funded earlier in 2019 from the first round.
This initiative gives researchers the opportunity to push boundaries in developing new health and medical breakthroughs. It is about big ideas that may one day revolutionise health care, and potentially, have global applications.
Australia has the potential to lead health service delivery and create new markets for health related products by applying cutting-edge science and technologies to innovation that has the potential to improve human health.
The Frontiers initiative provides Australia’s best and brightest with an opportunity to form formidable multidisciplinary teams to transform ideas from concept to outcome.
Frontier awardees need to articulate how their idea is novel and will position Australia as a global leader.
From this round, 10 multi-disciplinary teams will be awarded up to $1 million. These teams will then be able to apply for significant Government investment to realise their ground-breaking research plan.
The grant opportunity will be launched today via GrantConnect.