New Townsville unit to streamline care

A state-of-the-art $13 million, 33-bed ward to improve the flow of acutely unwell patients between the emergency department (ED) and specialist inpatient wards will be officially opened at Townsville University Hospital today.

The Hon Emma McBride MP
Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
Assistant Minister Rural and Regional Health

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A state-of-the-art $13 million, 33-bed ward to improve the flow of acutely unwell patients between the emergency department (ED) and specialist inpatient wards will be officially opened at Townsville University Hospital today.

The acute admission unit was funded under the Federal Government’s Community Health and Hospitals Program and is a joint initiative between the Commonwealth, the Queensland Government and the Townsville Hospital and Health Service.

The new unit will allow the health service to continue to grow in line with demand for emergency and inpatient care.

The new unit means patients presenting to the emergency department who require an inpatient bed will be transferred from the ED more quickly.

Quotes attributable to Emma McBride, Assistant Minister for Rural and Regional Health

“This new Acute Admission unit at Townsville will improve patient flow from the emergency department to specialist wards.”

“Which means patients will receive the specialist care they need quickly and safely.”

“People living in rural and remote Australia face unique health challenges and we are determined to work with the Queensland Government to improve health outcomes for all Queenslanders.”

Quotes attributable to Les Walker, State Member for Mundingburra:

“We know we have a growing and ageing population, and this means we need to plan and expand to provide the world-class healthcare our community has come to expect well into the future.

“The new unit will provide 11 beds as single rooms and 22 beds in shared rooms and is expected to provide 12,045 bed days for patients over 12 months.”


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