New support for survivors of suicide in Tasmania

Tasmanians who have survived a suicide attempt or suicidal crisis can now access more support through the newly launched ‘Way Back Support Service’. Joint media release with the Premier of Tasmania, Jeremy Rockliff.

The Hon Emma McBride MP
Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
Assistant Minister Rural and Regional Health

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Tasmanians who have survived a suicide attempt or suicidal crisis can now access more support through the newly launched ‘Way Back Support Service’.


The Way Back Support Service is designed by Beyond Blue and will mean people have access to specialised support during their recovery, once they have been discharged from hospital.


The first three months after a suicide attempt or suicidal crisis are critical to a person’s recovery. This non-clinical support will help survivors set up care plans, link them with available community support services and clinical care, and help them attend medical and allied health appointments. 


Anglicare Tasmania will deliver the Way Back Support Service at two locations – Hobart and Launceston/Burnie.


The Albanese Government is working with the Tasmanian Government and Primary Health Tasmania to support this program, with $1.8 million in Commonwealth investment being matched by the state for a total of $3.6 million.


The Australian Government will continue to invest in aftercare services across Australia, providing $176.2 million over the next four years through arrangements with states and territories under the National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Agreement.


Quotes attributable to Assistant Minister, Emma McBride:

“Aftercare and postvention programs play a key role in suicide prevention, which is why I’m proud to support this new initiative in Tasmania.


“The first three months after a suicide attempt or suicidal crisis are so important to a person’s recovery and the Way Back Support Service will work with survivors to find the right support that works for them, from the time they leave hospital.


“Our government is determined to work together with the states and territories and people with lived or living experience so all Australians have access to the care they need, when they need it.”

Quotes attributable to Premier, Jeremy Rockliff:


“The Way Back Support Service in Tasmania is receiving $3.6 million in funding from the Commonwealth and the Tasmanian Government, recognising the joint responsibility for suicide prevention aftercare.


“As a result of this investment, more than 630 Tasmanians are expected to access this critical support each year across the two sites.


“We know that medical and mental health care is far from the full extent of care that a person may need when recovering from a suicidal crisis and The Way Back Support Service will be there to offer that non-clinical support.”

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