Head to Health now a permanent fixture in Parramatta

A permanent Head to Health adult mental health service will open in Parramatta today, ensuring locals have access to timely mental health information, services and support.

The Hon Emma McBride MP
Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
Assistant Minister Rural and Regional Health

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A permanent Head to Health adult mental health service will open in Parramatta today, ensuring locals have access to timely mental health information, services and support.

Parramatta Head to Health – located at 150 George Street, Parramatta – offers free, walk-in mental health support for people with moderate to severe mental health needs.

Services are provided by a multidisciplinary team which includes mental health nurses, alcohol and other drug workers, clinical care coordinators and peer workers. An appointment or GP referral is not needed. 

Funded by the Albanese Labor Government, Parramatta Head to Health builds on the national network of Head to Health services.

It replaces temporary Head to Health pop up clinics in Parramatta and Seven Hills which were established in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental health provider Stride will operate this new service.

Interpreting services are also available through the Australian Government’s recent investment in Translating and Interpreting Services.

All Australians can also make a free call to Head to Health on 1800 595 212 to talk to a trained professional and connect with the support that best meets their needs.

Quotes attributable to Assistant Minister, Emma McBride:

“Since 2021, hundreds of people in Western Sydney have sought help for their mental health from a Head to Health Pop Up clinic.

“This shows how important readily available and free care is to people across the region.

“We’re expanding our permanent Head to Health network across Australia including this centre in Parramatta to make sure all Australians can access the care they need.

Quotes attributable to Federal Member for Parramatta, Dr. Andrew Charlton:

“Our community is home to a world-class health precinct in Westmead, alongside a network of fantastic local GPs and health professionals.

“This investment in mental health is vital in helping make sure our local community has access to the health services they need.”

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