Aged Care Transition Taskforce to help deliver historic reform

The Australian Government is assembling an Aged Care Transition Taskforce to help the sector deliver once in a generation reforms.

The Hon Anika Wells MP
Minister for Aged Care
Minister for Sport

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The Albanese Government is assembling an Aged Care Transition Taskforce to help the sector deliver once in a generation reforms.

The Transition Taskforce will help providers manage implementation of the new Aged Care Act from 1 July 2025, pending parliamentary passage.

The Taskforce will be chaired by Anne Burgess AM, Chair of the Council of Elders and Member of the National Aged Care Advisory Committee.

Members will include consumer advocates, aged care providers, ICT specialists, primary and clinical care experts, and representatives from the Department of Health and Aged Care and Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.

Eligible providers will also be able to apply for up to $10,000 to assist with the costs of any IT changes needed to prepare for 1 July. The department is currently progressing arrangements for this grant opportunity, with further information expected to be published in the coming weeks. 

The Albanese Government is investing $5.6 billion in Aged Care to deliver the greatest improvement to aged care in 30 years.

The Government will consider advice from the Transition Taskforce to ensure aged care reforms meet the challenges and opportunities of the coming decades.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Aged Care, Anika Wells:

“I understand the sector will face challenges transitioning to a new aged care system but we are intent on helping the industry meet these challenges.

“The Transition Taskforce will provide expert advice to government on the progress of implementation alongside oversight and stewardship to the sector.

“I have always said I am ambitious for aged care. I know the sector can meet this challenge with the Transition Taskforce troubleshooting concerns raised by providers.”


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