This content relates to a former minister

Statement on ACAT/RAS integration

Statement on ACAT/RAS integration

Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck
Former Minister for Senior Australians and Aged Care Services
Former Minister for Sport

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Media release
General public

I acknowledge today’s statement from the Chair of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, the Honourable Gaetano Pagone QC.

The Government has consistently refuted claims that our intention is to privatise the assessment process for aged care. That assertion is incorrect.

The Government is completely cognisant of the view the Royal Commission has expressed in its interim report regarding the integration of these assessment services as reiterated by Commissioner Pagone today.

The objective of the Government’s current process is to achieve that outcome.

We would welcome any views the Royal Commission has in respect of completion of this integration process.

The Government continues to respect the independence of the Royal Commission.

More information the can be found here.


Comments provided to the ABC North Coast on 31 December 2019.

‘The Royal Commission, in its interim report, called for the urgent integration of assessment services to ensure the welfare of all senior Australians.

The tender for aged care assessment services will bring together the Aged Care Assessment Teams and the Regional Assessment Services to create a more streamlined service.

It means those in need will no longer be shunted between assessors for review or referral.

The intention to undertake a tender has been public for more than a year with State and Territory officials consulted on a number of occasions.

States and Territories will be able to tender to provide the integrated assessment services.

The Commonwealth does not directly provide assessments - it has always managed assessments through various forms of contracts or agreements with either the States and Territories or community based organisations.

The new measures will ensure all assessments fall under one contract.

The tender arrangements will include measures to ensure that conflicts of interest are managed.’

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