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Government appoints head of new National Sports Tribunal

The Australian Government has appointed leading sport administrator and Court of Arbitration of Sport judge John Boultbee AM as Chief Executive Officer of Australia’s new National Sports Tribunal.

Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck
Former Minister for Senior Australians and Aged Care Services
Former Minister for Sport

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The Australian Government has appointed leading sport administrator and Court of Arbitration of Sport judge John Boultbee AM as Chief Executive Officer of Australia’s new National Sports Tribunal.

Mr Boultbee is a highly experienced and respected figure in the Australian and international sporting community, particularly for his involvement in rowing and football and was a major driver behind Australia’s most successful Olympics – Sydney 2000.

He is also a former director of the Australian Institute of Sport.

Minister for Youth and Sport, Richard Colbeck, said Mr Boultbee’s appointment marked a significant milestone in delivering on the Government’s commitment to support and protect Australian sports and athletes following the review led by the Hon James Wood AO QC and brings genuine weight to the tribunal in its establishment.

“The National Sports Tribunal, established under our national sports plan Sport 2030, will ensure sports and sports participants have access to transparent, independent, timely and cost-effective dispute resolution services, including through private arbitration, mediation, conciliation, and case appraisal,” Minister Colbeck said.  

“The Tribunal will begin operations on 19 March, and I am delighted a person of John’s calibre will be leading this important body.” 

The National Sports Tribunal will initially be established as a two year trial to develop capability against demand, and refine operations and services.

“John will oversee the delivery of reliable, high quality arbitral decisions and other dispute resolution services,” Minister Colbeck said.

“The Government looks forward to working closely with him to ensure Australian sport is clean, fair and inclusive – which is what all Australians want.”

Mr Boultbee said he was delighted to be taking on the new role.

“By doing our job well, the National Sports Tribunal will be a great asset to sports organisations and athletes in this country,” he said.

“I look forward to working with the government and consulting with the sports to ensure that is the case. Currently the legislation provides for the Tribunal to be reviewed after two years, so there is a great deal to do before that deadline.”

For more information see the National Sports Tribunal website.  


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