The Coalition Government will commission the delivery of the 2020 Australian Youth Development Index—a one-stop shop for information related to the most significant issues young Australians face.
Minister for Youth and Sport Richard Colbeck said the updated Australian Youth Development Index would be a valuable resource.
“In July this year we established the Youth Taskforce to develop a joint whole-of-government approach towards ensuring young Australians are heard,” Mr Colbeck said.
The Youth Taskforce was set up to improve the co-ordination of programs impacting young people, to identify gaps and challenges faced by young people through existing policies and programs and to improve engagement and consultation.
“The Morrison Government is focussed on ensuring that young people feel as though they have a voice.
“By delivering the 2020 Australian Youth Development Index, we will be able to further identify issues and challenges.
“This builds on direct engagement myself and the taskforce have already had and will continue to have with service providers, youth organisations and young people.
“Good public policy hinges on solid evidence-based research and current statistics,” Minister Colbeck said.
The Australian Youth Development Index 2020 will consolidate information relevant to young Australians in health, education and employment.
It will be commissioned from the Australian Youth Affairs Coalition (AYAC) and Numbers and People Synergy (NAPS) and managed by the Youth Taskforce in the Commonwealth Department of Health.