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Supporting Australians with Cancer

The Australian government is supporting more Australians affected by cancer, announcing more than $500,000 in funding for 5 grant recipients.

Senator the Hon Malarndirri McCarthy
Former Assistant Minister for Indigenous Health

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The Albanese Labor government is supporting more Australians affected by cancer, announcing more than $500,000 in funding for 5 grant recipients.

The Supporting People with Cancer grants fund community organisations and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations to support First Nations Australians, multicultural groups and rural and regional populations affected by cancer.

The population groups have been identified in the 10-year Australian Cancer Plan, developed by Cancer Australia. 

The grants will aim to reduce the impact of cancer, improve outcomes and better support people with cancer.

The funded projects supporting First Nations Australians affected by cancer include:

Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre:"Increasing cancer screening and treatment rates in the Tasmanian Aboriginal community." This project aims to identify barriers to cancer screening within the Tasmanian Aboriginal community, develop solutions to improve screening rates, and implement activities to foster early cancer identification and timely treatment.

Danila Dilba Butji Binnilutlum Health Service Limited: "Streamlining cultural safe cancer care for Danila Dilba." This project focuses on defining local clinical care pathways within the Darwin region and provides clinicians and community members the resources to support culturally appropriate care. 

The remaining three grants support community organisations in providing a diverse range of support services and resources to address unmet needs of priority populations impacted by cancer:

EACH: "A cancer screening, education, and care coordination program for two priority populations in the Eastern Melbourne region." This project aims to provide comprehensive cancer screening, education, and care coordination activities to Burmese and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations in the Eastern Melbourne region.

Head and Neck Cancer Australia: "Expanding Access: Improving equity and bridging gaps in Head and Neck Cancer support across Australia." This project seeks to broaden the access of Head and Neck Cancer Australia's resources to healthcare professionals and peer support groups across Western Australia, Northern Territory, South Australia, and Tasmania.

So Brave:“Cancer in young women – survivorship and mental health.” This project aims to develop a microsite providing targeted support, peer connection and information addressing mental health issues affecting young women with cancer.

Quotes attributable to Assistant Minister for Indigenous Health, Senator the Hon Malarndirri McCarthy: 

“I commend the dedication of these organisations in championing the cause of supporting individuals and communities affected by cancer.

“We know community-based organisations, such as this year’s recipients, make a positive impact in creating more fair and equal communities so that all people with cancer can access the support they need.”

Quotes attributable to Claire Howlett, Acting CEO, Cancer Australia 

“Congratulations to all the recipients of the 2024 Supporting People with Cancer grants, whose projects are dedicated to assisting people across Australia affected by cancer.”

“Community grants play a vital role in implementing the vision outlined in the Australian Cancer Plan, striving for improved equity in cancer outcomes and experiences for all individuals, irrespective of who they are or where they live.”

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