Minister Mark Butler introduces the Stronger Medicare Awards

To mark the 40th anniversary of Medicare, Health Minister, Mark Butler introduces the Stronger Medicare Awards. The awards recognise Australia’s Medicare Champions - people, teams or practices in primary care, who go above and beyond to improve the health of their community.


Well do you know a Medicare Champion?

Someone who goes above and beyond to benefit their patients.

Well, now is the time to nominate them for a Stronger Medicare Award.

To mark 40 years of Medicare, the Albanese government is looking to honour and recognise the many people and teams who work to keep us healthy in primary care settings right across the country.

Primary care is the first door Australians turn to when they have a health complaint.
From general practice to mental health, physios and other allied health and everything in between.

Medicare Champions are everyday people, health professionals, teams and practices that go above and beyond to improve the health of their patients or people in their community.

So if you know someone working alone or is part of a team that provides exceptional care or embraces innovation then nominate them as a Medicare Champion.

Anyone can submit a nomination until applications close on June 30.

Visit for more information.

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