It’s no secret that quitting smoking and vaping can be hard.
And what makes it challenging is the nicotine in cigarettes and most vapes.
Nicotine is a highly addictive and toxic drug.
Which means when you smoke or vape, you crave more.
And when you stop, you might experience withdrawal symptoms.
But thousands of Australians have quit smoking and vaping - and you can too.
The good news is that the cravings and withdrawal symptoms become less frequent as your body recovers from nicotine addiction.
From the moment you quit, you’ll feel the benefits as your body immediately begins to repair itself.
When you stop smoking, your smell and taste will improve, along with your lung function.
You’ll have lower blood pressure.
You’ll cough less and breathe better.
When you stop vaping, you’ll notice symptoms like coughing and shortness of breath steadily improving.
You’ll have more money, you’ll be free from nicotine dependence, and you’ll reduce the health impacts of second-hand smoke and vapour on your friends and family.
It’s never too late to quit.
And you’ll have a better chance of success if you have support.
Visit, call Quitline on 13 7848, talk to a health professional, or download the free My QuitBuddy app.
And join thousands of Australians who are giving up for good.
Find out more at