
Discover our collection of videos designed to help you quit and stay quit.


We have developed a range of videos under the National Tobacco and E‑cigarette Campaign to encourage and empower Australians to quit smoking and vaping and give up for good. 


Becky Freeman – Give up vaping for good

Associate Professor Becky Freeman explains the health risks associated with vaping and what support services are available to help you give up for good.

Breaking habits – Sarah’s journey

Join Sarah as she shares her journey to quit smoking. She talks about the strategies that helped her break the habits that led to her smoking and offers tips for anyone trying to quit.

Choose your hard – 15 seconds

Quitting smoking is hard. But the alternative? That’s harder.
Every time you choose not to smoke you improve your health.
Give up smoking for good.

Choose your hard – 30 seconds

Quitting smoking is hard. But the alternative? That’s harder.
Every time you choose not to smoke you improve your health.
Give up smoking for good.

Christina: Give up vaping for good – my story

Former vaper, Christina, talks about her path to quitting vaping, including the health and financial impacts vaping had on her life, what quit methods she used, and the benefits she has experienced since quitting. Christina also shares how falling pregnant impacted her quit journey.
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